
York Takeover – The New Parkour Competition Format Highlighting A More Inclusive Approach.

At Parkour UK, we want to highlight community competitions and events that happen throughout the year.

As the world is slowly adapting to life after the initial COVID outbreaks, social contact is slowly starting to return to normal for the first time in two years.

After two years of very few parkour events, both internationally and nationally, parkour events and competitions have started to pick up again.

The newest of these community-organized parkour competitions include “Takeover” events.

Takeover events are when an individual or group from the parkour community spends some time compiling a list of challenges in their city. Parkour practitioners will then descend onto the city, trying to complete as many challenges as possible in a set time frame (Typically a day or two.)

The first of these events popped up in the UK earlier this year, the first being the Sheffield Takeover.

Since then, a second Takeover event has been held in York, with another being announced in Liverpool for November of this year.

The York Takeover had 50 Parkour Challenges under 4 categories.

  • York Classics: A collection of challenges celebrating the heart of York Parkour, and the people who have trained there.
  • Old School: A collection of challenges inspired by the Yamakasi, focusing on grit, strength, and endurance.
  • New School: A collection of challenges inspired by recent trends in Parkour. Think spins, funk, and tekky weirdness.
  • Flow: A collection of challenges involving the smooth linking of movements together.

The event had a prize pool of over £400, split evenly between the Men’s and Women’s divisions. Within the last few years, the vast majority of the parkour community has been pushing for equal prize money in competitions for men and women. Community-organized parkour events have been leading this change within the sport.

A parkour event in Norway, called the “Oslo Movement Gathering” also donated £100 to help with equal prize money.

I spoke to Sam Coppack. Sam is a “Professional Member” at Parkour UK and hosts the Parkour Coach Companion podcast. He is also responsible for hosting the York Takeover event a few weekends ago. He kindly gave me some insight into the event from an organizer’s perspective and gave some tips on what to do if you want to host your own city takeover event.

So, getting started, I asked where the inspiration for the York Takeover came from.

“The Sheffield Takeover was a major inspiration for our York Takeover event. Their 2-day, 100-challenge format was a big success, and I felt that it was a new, interesting strand of parkour street competition. I absolutely loved the experience, and as soon as I got home, I began thinking about the logistics of a York Takeover event.

I also have to give huge credit to people like Renae Dambly, who on my podcast, The Parkour Coach Companion, explained her “Search and Destroy” jam, which had a similar format.”

Sam is mostly by himself in the York scene. The planning of the event took almost a month of dedicated hard work and preparation. This involved taking photos of all the challenges, annotating them, announcing and advertising the event (mostly through social media), building a spot map for York, and managing prizes, such as money and discount codes from parkour brands.

Parkour UK, group of parkour practitioners, York Takeover 2022, Parkour UK
The York Takeover Event – Phot from @York_Gents Instagram

“I spoke to lots of people online and sought after some advice from the organizers of the Sheffield Takeover, Adam Dore and Liam Norbury. On the day, Ollie (Sam’s Housemate) had been building a spreadsheet for the points recording, and I sought more help from Dean Stimpson about the scoring and other logistics. He gave me some moral support.

I was very nervous, and honestly, I put a bit too much work on myself.”

Of course, like any casually organized parkour event, there were some concerns.

“Weather, injuries, and being moved on from spots were the main areas of concern. Thankfully, the weather held out, and there was only one significant injury (a sprained wrist), and only got moved on from a few spots. I was disappointed to find that, in the morning prior to the event, there had already been an incident with the residents, but I gave a strong word to contestants which seemed to work for the rest of the day.”

I asked Sam if he thought the day was a success and if he had any areas of improvement for next time.

“I can happily say it was a success. We managed to sell over 50 tickets for the event, there were few injuries, and we were only moved on from a few spots. I received a lot of praise throughout the day, and afterward too. York has never seen so much parkour in one day. There was something special about seeing people jumping around every corner you turned.

We pooled enough money for a Women’s category and a 16 and Unders category too. This helped attract students from up North. NBDs (Never Been Done Challenges) were conquered, Greggs was eaten, and Instagram was flooded with hundreds of challenges being completed.

My format was experimental and a little complicated, but gave contestants an interesting experience, and catered to a broad skill set.

The scoring was very full-on. Ollie sat inside for about 6 hours, and both Dean and I had to help throughout. We had to postpone the awards ceremony because we hadn’t finished, meaning some people had already left for their trains. We got some of the scores wrong, including the women’s podium, which was frustrating and embarrassing.

More hands on deck were definitely needed, and we could have perhaps staggered the points onslaught by enforcing a midday break, where everyone submitted at the same time, rather than relentlessly.

Some feedback from the community also mentioned that the event felt a little rushed, with only 6 hours to complete 50 challenges. For some, this sense of adventure was a great way to test themselves, but for others, it drained the enjoyment of training.

We could have advertised earlier and harder, especially to get more women to get involved. We only had 3.”

I went on to ask Sam about the future of Takeover events, and whether or not he would like to see more.

“I would love to see more Takeovers. They are a fantastic way to get a real sense of a city and are exciting to those that thrive on treasure hunting and exploring. I’m already excited for the confirmed Liverpool Takeover this year, as well as whisperings from many other communities making moves. I expect we’ll see a number of takeover events next Spring when the sun comes back. The scope is massive. If they catch on we could be seeing Takeover style events across the world, and that would be wonderful.”

Sam kindly gave me a list of advice for organizers of Takeover events, which I have detailed below.

  • Get a team together to organize the event.
  • Ensure it’s fair, equal, and inclusive (Both people and skill levels)
  • Don’t be afraid to be a bit experimental, new ideas can spread.
  • Communicate with previous organizers of Takeover events.
  • Advertise clearly, but ask questions to the community.
  • Think carefully about your points system.
  • Be clear, and strict, on your challenges.
  • Consider safety aspects and respect for the city and the people within it.
  • Find the best parking locations.
  • Advertise hard, and don’t be afraid to reach out to brands for sponsorship and donations.

A huge well done to Sam and all of those involved in the organization of the event. Make sure you follow the York Gents on Instagram by clicking the link here.

Monthly Update – September 2022

Every month, we will be putting together a monthly update on our website to keep you guys updated with everything that has gone on at Parkour UK.

A Full Team

In September, Simon Vardy settled into his role as Workforce Lead, taking over Kieran’s previous role.

Simon will be helping us accelerate the development of our Level One Coaching Qualification & our Level Two Coaching Qualification. Simon’s role will also look for new opportunities for the workforce. Simon is an experienced performance coach with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry and professional sports up to the elite level.

Our previous workforce lead, Kieran Wylde has moved positions at Parkour UK and will be working in our membership lead role, helping accelerate our memberships here at Parkour UK.

This finishes the employment of people from our employment day we ran back in June of this year, with a team now working in digital support, workforce, and membership

It’s really exciting and brilliant having a team now at Parkour UK. Chris Grant (PKUK’s head of development) is always ecstatic about logging onto the weekly all-hands meeting and seeing a team full of people working together.

Parkour UK Meets With The Board

In the closing weeks of September, the full team traveled to Brighton for the quarterly board meeting. We were able to report our progress in a way that we hadn’t before, with Lynn, Callun, Simon, and Kieran all presenting to the board in their area of expertise, following answering the questions the board had asked them.

We spent time discussing each of the areas that Parkour UK is currently focusing on, and spent some time together, before having some lovely food.

It was really great having the full team together, in one place, to discuss Parkour UK’s current path, projections, and areas of focus.

The Parkour UK Team – (left to right) Callun, Lynn, Kieran, Chris, Dan, Simon.

Below, we have summarized some of the topics of discussion, and steps going forward in different areas of the organization.

Membership: We spent a large chunk of the Tuesday discussing what our membership might look like, trying to categorize the community to look at what we might be able to offer in terms of knowledge and services across the whole of the community. This includes improving what we have already (such as coaching), but what we can also do to help support content creators, freelancers, athletes, etc. It was an exciting conversation that we are excited to get the ball rolling on. This is where Kieran, our Membership Lead, will be focusing his work in the next 6 months to a year.

Digital and Story Telling: Callun and Lynn reported to the board about our socials with really good statistics and measures. Our socials have received a tonne of engagement, interaction, and positive comments since the digital team came on board back in mid-July. On top of this, Lynn has also been working on a huge mapping document trying to capture the name, location, and purpose of different parkour teams, organizations, groups, and freelancers across the country within the parkour space.

Workforce: With the new school year starting, we are getting back into schools, and running Teacher CPD courses. We have also mapped all the dates for Level 2 courses through 2023, which will be announced once we are confident that the materials are going to be ready. Our plan is to announce the courses for the whole year to allow some flexibility to allow you to book. We will, eventually, work towards this for the Level One courses also.


Something that did pop up during our discussion was the toolkits we have on our website. We have a bunch of free toolkits available on our website, which you can find here. There is a range of toolkits, including “How to start a university society”, a “Business” toolkit, and “Risk Assessment” toolkits, all available to you, so please check them out.

Email Updates and Facebook Group For Members

We are currently working on building up our email newsletter for our member organizations and individuals again. This had some traction before, but earlier this year it dropped off a little bit. Now, with the digital team onboard, we have the capacity as an organization to fill these tasks to a standard we are happy with.

Storror’s Big Wall Open

Of course, we couldn’t do an update of September without mentioning Storror’s monumental street event, the “Big Wall Open.” – Callun visited the event, watching it all unfold.

The event was brilliant. It was amazing seeing how many people turned up. Not just parkour practitioners, but young children and their parents, many of who don’t train in parkour, they have just come down and appreciate the sport, speaking with the community, and getting to know more about the sport. Storror’s impact on the sport we love has been incredible, and I know this event has cemented itself as one of the sports’ best, but as a stepping stone to get so many other people into parkour.

Callun speaking about the Storror Big Wall Open

Community Posts

At the start of September, we started rolling out a weekly post of some movements from the parkour community. The feedback from these posts has been amazing, with the community loving the idea of us using our platform to show the progression and practice of those within our sport. Make sure you use the hashtag #ParkourUK so we can see your clips! Remember to also follow us on Instagram, @ParkourUK

NovaCity Announces FREE Youth Sessions

Early in September, NovaCity, an activities center based in Rotherham and Barnsley, announced that they would be running FREE youthwork sessions.

I spoke with Liam Norbury (@liamnorbury), a parkour coach at NovaCity, who kindly gave us some information on the free sessions.

The sessions are funded by Rotherham MBC, the universal youth work programme. The aim of the session is to help contribute towards tackling the cost of living crisis by providing free access to physical activities in the community, not just in parkour, but all the activities we do. (The sharing ideas and movement to provide a healthy lifestyle.) By using physical activites as a guide, we can then bring in other services that the youth need, and what diversionary activities to contribute to a stronger community.

Liam Norbury, NovaCity Coach

The free Friday sessions at NovaCity Centre in Rotherham are running until March 2023.

The parkour coaches at NovaCity are also running an Under 16s speed competition and jam day in October, with Liam saying “the main focus for the event is to bring the younger community together.”

This kicks off on October 23rd, where they run speed competitions for under 8s, under 12s, and under 16s, before finishing the day off with a jam.

It is clearly apparent that Liam and the team at NovaCity want to serve the community they are in. A recent article from The Metro (Read Here.) stated that

As a result of the bleak financial situation, nearly a third of UK parents said that their child has missed out on a sporting opportunity over the past year because of the costs involved.

Metro Article – Linked Above

Liam and NovaCity’s efforts are truly inspiring. For more information on NovaCity’s sessions, visit their website, linked here.

How To Find A Community – Getting Started With Parkour

Training parkour solo has its benefits. When training on your own, you are entirely focused on yourself and the challenges set in front of you. It’s a really good way to test your mental game when it comes to training.

With that being said, like most sports, parkour sessions with a community or with your friends are always more entertaining than training on your own.

Like most lifestyle sports (skateboarding, rollerblading, scooter, etc) parkour has a huge focus on its community aspect. The sport of parkour is approaching an age of around the mid-thirties. On top of that, it is also one of the first sports that has grown in conjunction with the internet and social media.

Because of this, parkour has become a very tight nit sport. It isn’t uncommon for practitioners to be best friends or know other practitioners up and down the country, or even the world.

When starting parkour, however, this information is not necessarily common knowledge. Today, we are going to give you some tips for finding a parkour community in your area, or, if you are looking to travel somewhere for parkour, how to find local guides or spots within that area.

Google & YouTube Searches

Google is the world’s largest search engine, but not many people know that YouTube, despite being a video-sharing platform, is actually also the second largest search engine.

You can utilise these tools to easily help you find classes, communities, groups, or spots in your local area.

A load of parkour communities loves the idea of people visiting their area to train parkour, and because of this, ‘spot maps’ have been created by these local communities.

A spot map is a Google Map that has a selection of ‘pins’ dropped onto it. These pins will be the locations of spots in that area. It’s perfect if you’re going to visit somewhere and don’t quite know where the good spots for training are.

Spot maps are definitely more common in big cities. seeing as these areas spread far and wide to the smaller towns on the outskirts too.

Parkour brand ‘Norml Brand’ recently featured a post of a London Parkour Spot Map. It’s huge. We’ve attached it below as an example.
It looks daunting at first, but after you nail down a particular area you would like to go to, it’s not as scary.

Let me give you an example of video searching. I started parkour in May 2012. When I started, I knew my town center had some spots, but I hadn’t quite developed that eye for training just yet. I visited the same three spots each training session.

I went onto YouTube and searched “My Location” followed by “Parkour.” In my case, Horsham Parkour. I stumbled across a tonne of videos from a small parkour group called Horsham Movement (who eventually became Storror… that’s crazy.) But these videos gave me a reference point of spots that were in the local town center.

A quick YouTube search of my home town, followed by ‘parkour’

I also stumbled across a second group, called Parkour Sundays. This was back in the day when you could send messages on YouTube, so I reached out and sent them a message and was out training with them, later on, that week.

Sadly, YouTube has since removed the option to message your favorite channels personally, but fear not, there is a solution to all of this.

Social Networks

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, are all called social networks for a reason. A social network enables a connection in both the real and digital world. As mentioned above, parkour’s growth has more or less mirrored those of social networks.

You can see this on Google Trends over time. When comparing ‘Parkour’ next to ‘Social Network’, with the red representing ‘social network’ and the blue representing ‘parkour’ you can see the two follow a similar search pattern (There is a spike in 2010, due to the release of the David Fincher film ‘The Social Network’)

In 2016, a lot of parkour practitioners took to Instagram after they started allowing video content to be published on the platform. This is covered in more detail in a video from ‘JimmyTheGiant’, which you can watch below.

The title of the video aside, the video goes into detail about parkour’s transition to social media.

Back to the topic at hand, many groups have social network accounts and are extremely active on them. If you have found a YouTube video or channel from practitioners in your area, have a look at the top right-hand section of their YouTube channel, or alternatively in the description of their videos. They should have a link to their social media accounts. Here, you can drop them a message and ask about meeting up and training.

Facebook also has a forum-like feature, where people can set up ‘groups’ for parkour in their local area. It’s always worth using Facebook a little bit like a search engine, and seeing what pops up concerning parkour in your local area.

We also have a ‘Get Involved section on our website. Here you can search for your location, and it will bring up parkour parks, indoor facilities, and coaches and organisations that are in or close to your area. You can find that here.

Parkour Classes

A great way to meet like-minded people is to attend parkour classes and sessions.

All over the country, there are parkour classes for all ages and abilities, with some facilities even hosting weekly ‘open jam’ sessions. This replicates outside training in a safe environment, where you can meet new people.

The coaches teaching parkour classes have years of experience within the parkour community, and the likelihood of some of these coaches being in a similar position to you is high. This could help you with spots in your local area, or let you know who the best person to contact is to arrange an outdoor session.

Some parkour coaching organisations even get involved in this themselves, making an effort to train outside with their students in order to help them start their parkour journey outside of the gyms. Team Reality, from Grimsby, does this almost on a weekly basis, where they upload videos to their YouTube channel following the session.

Jams and Events

Without trying to go all business-like on you, networking is key. A load of practitioners within the community hold jam sessions, more so in the summer, and because of this, loads of the community share it around and show up. Making an effort to go to these events to meet other people who train in the sport helps blossom friendships that last for years.

There are some general unwritten rules to follow at a jam, which we will cover in a later post, but these events help you meet practitioners of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, and friendships are spawned, meaning that if you would like to train with other people, you now have those connections dotted around the country to do so.

Parkour for Women

At Parkour UK, we promote the participation of all ages, genders, identities, orientations, and backgrounds.

We understand that currently, the sport is male-dominated. We also understand the hesitation that individuals may face when wanting to enter or participate in the sport.

We are incredibly proud and grateful that the parkour community has taken the step to eliminate the barriers to entry with classes and events for women, transgender & non-binary becoming a focus for individuals and organisations within our sport.

Photo by Scott Bass

Below, we have listed some classes, courses, or jams that occur to help promote the inclusion and practice of parkour for those groups.

Nova City – On August 1st of this year, at their venue, Nova City ran a jam to allow Women of all ages from around the UK to train together in a safe environment.

During the day we had  Workshops from professional athletes Rachel Gough and Elise Bickley. This event was also featured on ITV news.

On their website, Nova City state;

When we return to normality we will be hosting some girls only introductory sessions, workshops with some of the country’s top female athletes and creating  loads of media aimed at inspiring the next generation of young women to start their Parkour journey.

Train Hard – The Parkour Project – Dorset-based parkour coaching organisation Train hard run The Parkour Project in Poole. On a Saturday morning, they run a youth & adult women-only parkour session. This is for ages 16+ and is coached by Viv Jackson and her husband, Scott.

We posted an article earlier this year, which you can read here, which highlights the impact of Viv & Scott’s women’s parkour sessions.

One participant of these classes has said;

“I was super nervous…..but everyone has been really kind and friendly and you don’t have to be super fit or super mobile to do it. It [the class] comes with warm ups and all the drills that we do before we do any Parkour. “

The BBC also featured a piece covering and highlighting the success of Train Hard’s female-centered classes.

This Girl Jam – Hosted by Rachel Gough, an athlete who is sponsored by ‘The Motus Projects and has competed in numerous competitions.

Rachel hosts the ‘This Girl Jam’, which is a jam for women and non-binary parkour participants. This allows women to have a safe space to train or try the sport without the fear of judgment.

The jam is hosted annually, but Rachel has plans to try and host the jam on a more frequent basis.

Do you have any more tips for finding a community? Let us know your thoughts down below, and share this post with someone who might be trying to start parkour.

Get Started With Parkour – A Guide To Shoes

Unlike most other sports, parkour does not require a load of equipment to get started.

All you need is some joggers and a pair of parkour shoes and you’re good to go.

When it comes to shoes, however, some of the top Google search results are for “The Best Parkour Shoes.”

To help you #GiveParkourAGo, we have compiled a list of what to consider when choosing your parkour shoes and a list of what the community is wearing right now.

Photo by


Before we start, there are loads of videos online that explain this in great detail. We have listed one from Kie Willis of Storm Freerun below. You can give that a watch before you read the rest of the article.

Kie Willis from Storm Freerun talks about parkour shoes.

There are 3 factors to consider when choosing a shoe for parkour & freerunning. These factors are grip, cushioning & durability.


The grip on your shoes is without a doubt one of the most crucial things when considering what shoes to wear for parkour (For beginners, it is also one of the most neglected!).

Without the grip, when you’re jumping to walls and rails or trying to climb up a wall, there will be little to no friction. With that in mind, we recommend opting for shoes with a flat rubber sole, instead of foam.

Flat rubber soles help you maximize the amount of friction between yourself and the surface you’re jumping to.

The Farang Elevate Parkour Shoe boasts a single sole piece of rubber, perfect for parkour. – photo by Farang.

Any kind of rubber sole is great for grip. However, we recommend going for a flat, single piece of rubber on the sole of the shoe. This is incredibly important on the ball of the foot and toe section of the shoe.

Having rubber that is sectioned on the bottom of the shoe runs the risk of snagging and tearing on surfaces quite easily. As mentioned in Kie’s video, sectioned soles aren’t all bad. If you find a shoe with a sectioned sole, try your best to go for vertical sectioned cuts, rather than horizontal.

The photo to the right is taken from the ‘Farang – Elevate’ parkour shoe, which boasts a flat, single sole piece of rubber on the bottom.


With cushioning, your personal preference really comes into consideration here.

Within the last few years, loads of participants in the sport have opted for skate shoes, popular for their ‘zero-drop’ aspect.

The term zero-drop means little to no cushioning at all. Popular shoes within the sport include the Nike Alleyoop’s or the Adidas 3MC.

If you’re new to the sport, then perhaps to start with, you would like to opt for cushioning that is more supportive of the arch and the heel. This can also be the case for those who may be training with lots of heavy impacts.

Adidas offers a wide range of thicker shoes, which can be found on their website or in your local high street sports store.

However, you may want to work on your technique, and touch and really want to feel your landings when training. That is really where the zero-drop aspect comes in. It goes without saying that when you train with less cushioning, you are going to feel the landings a little bit more, which in turn, will allow you to work on your technique, touch, and landings.

We’ve attached three photos below demonstrating what a high-cushioned, mid-cushioned, and zero-drop shoe looks like. Each is worn by the parkour community.


Finally, we have durability. There are some key things to look for when it comes to the durability of the shoe. You want to look for a shoe that is incredibly durable but doesn’t weigh too much.

We recommend looking for a mesh upper. The mesh upper allows the foot to breathe whilst training. Make sure to also check that the toe area is reinforced. Mesh without the toe cap will result in the mesh tearing easily. For a good example of this, check out this image of this Adidas shoe.

If you look on the left-hand side, you notice there is a little bit more protection in the area of the big toe. This is to add durability to help reinforce the mesh.

This allows the shoe to be incredibly lightweight, but also durable. It is the perfect combination of both.

With durability, you get what you pay for. It may be worth investing a little bit more money into your parkour footwear just for longevity purposes.

What does the community recommend?

On our Instagram, we asked the parkour community what shoes they are wearing right now. We’ve attached some of the most common answers below!

Supporting Parkour Culture

With parkour being a sport that is still in its infancy, we really try to promote and support parkour culture wherever we can.

We’ve listed below some parkour companies that have created parkour-specific trainers. These are designed by practitioners, for practitioners. These options are a little more costly than some of the big brands such as Nike or Adidas, but by purchasing from a parkour brand, you are helping support the parkour industry.

Team Farang – The Farang Elevate and Elevate Light Parkour Shoe

Storror – The Storror Tens (Another shoe is also in the works)

Storror Tens Parkour Shoe
The Storror Tens parkour shoe

The Strike Movement Haze (WaveZilla Edition)

Strike Movement Wavezilla Shoe
Shoe image by Strike Movement

The Ollo Alpha Shoes

Ollo Alpha Parkour Trainers


When it comes to parkour shoes, there really are no right or wrong shoes. Through my decade of experience in parkour, I have tried and tested many different pairs of shoes, some may not have worked for me, but other people have found them perfect.

Test out some shoes over time, and see which ones work best for you. And if you find any hidden gems, make sure you let us know!