Coaching Standards 2023/2024

Parkour UK has worked in collaboration with parkour coaches from across the community to form these coaching standards for 2023/2024.

We would like to thank Brad Wendes from Team Kinetix , and member of the parkour coaching community for their help and insight on these coaching conditions. 

Click the heading below to view the standards.

Parkour UK Coaching Standards 2023/24

This document outlines the conditions on which a coach (as part of an organisation or as an individual professional) should operate. This guidance is for those who are involved in the Coaching of Parkour/ Freerunning activities within a designated, and appropriately risk-assessed environment.

Please refer to your own organisations policies on:

  • Recording of incidents
  • Reporting of incidents to the insurer
  • Recording of Safety checks
  • Consideration of information to be included in waivers Safeguarding and duty of care recording & reporting Risk Assessing your coaching environment

Designated environments:

    1. Indoor private spaces, such as dedicated Parkour gyms & schools.
    2. Indoor public spaces, such as gyms, leisure centres, and sports clubs
    3. Outdoor private spaces, such as school playgrounds, or private parks
    4. Outdoor public spaces, such as parks, or public urban areas


Coaching is where a Parkour session is planned and led by a coach, and the participants follow the instruction and guidance of the coach using the competencies taught as part of their coach education.

  1. The coach:participant ratios of 1:15 must be followed, except in outdoor public spaces where a coach:participant ratio of 1:8 should be followed.


  2. A Level 2 coach can coach a class independently.


  3. A Level 1 coach must only operate in the assistance of a Level 2 and cannot coach a class independently.


  4. A Level 2 coach can lead a session of up to 45 learners with an appropriate number of Level 1 coaches to the ratios outlined in point 1.


For the purposes of definition, Parkour/Freerunning activities are defined as any movements, families of movements and/or derivatives of those taught as part of the coach education program.

For questions or queries please contact Parkour UK-