Parkour UK appoints our first Mental Health Lead

Parkour UK has appointed Kasturi Torchia as our first Mental Health Lead.

Kasturi Torchia is an awarded psychotherapist in the final stage of her Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology. Specialising in lack of progression within Parkour, she has spent the last four years working within the community growing a psycho-therapeutic approach to teaching our discipline via our Esprit Concrete, working very closely with our Mental Health Action Group to better integrate mental health awareness and working process into our governance and provision of our sport. With experience in service evaluation, research and practice she is passionately working to further develop Parkour UK’s Mental Health Hub along side our newly appointed Chief Medical Officer, Dr Timothy Yu to build a solid foundation for audit, assessment and intervention delivery tailored to mental health and well being for everyone that Parkour UK strives to represent. 

Kasturi Torchia will work with Dr Timothy Yu and our CEO to develop the existing needs of our community and anticipate future needs proactively.

Katuri Torchia You can be contacted via 
