We want to use the power of the Parkour/Freerunning to make our activities welcoming, positive and inclusive for everyone. That’s why Parkour UK, alongside the Sport and Recreation Alliance and with support from the mental health charity Mind, today – on World Mental Health Day – we have launched our Parkour/Freerunning Action Plan for Mental Health, as part of the mental Health Charter for Sport & Recreation.
The Parkour/Freerunning Action Plan for Mental Health sets out how our sport/activity, community & Parkour UK can use its collective power to tackle mental ill health and the stigma that surrounds it.
Alongside a number of other sporting organisations who have already signed-up to the mental Health Charter for Sport & Recreation, we are asking for our community to commit to take positive steps to address and encourage people to be open about mental health issues.
Our Action Plan outlines the actions that we, as a sport/community/NGB, can take to help make mental health a commonly understood matter and to help those in need.
We will:
- Use the power of Parkour/Freerunning to promote wellbeing, with a special focus on encouraging physical activity and social interaction for their contribution to good mental health.
- Publicly promote and adopt good mental health policies and best practice within our NGB activities.
- Promote positive public health messages using diverse Parkour/Freerunning role models and ambassadors to reduce the stigma attached to mental health problems.
- Actively tackle discrimination on the grounds of mental health to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
- Support the establishment of a pan-sport platform to work closely with the mental health sector to develop and share networks, resources and best practice.
- Regularly monitor our performance, assess progress and take positive action on mental health issues.
Download the Parkour/Freerunning Action Plan for Mental Health here
Check out the amazing work of our members Free Your Instinct & Esprit Concrete who specialise in Parkour/Freerunning for Mental Health
Download templates and resources to help implement the Mental Health Charter for Sport & Recreation below;
- Find out which organisations have already signed the Charter.
- In October 2015 we hosted an event at Wembley Stadium called Sport Minds. Find out what happened at this event here.
- The Charter has received some great support from professional sports people, find out who here.
- If you would like to talk specifically about mental health, you can find more information and talk to a specialist at Mind
- Further information resources are available from Mind and the Sport + Recreation Alliance information resources.
#SportMinds #GiveParkourAGo #WMHD