British Standard for Parkour Equipment, BS10075:2013 Published

UPDATE 1st Feb 2017: Please note that the British Standard BS10075:2013 has been superseded by the European Standard BS EN18699:2016

The British Standards Institution publishes BS10075:2013 the British Standard for Parkour Equipment

Parkour UK has led the development of the standard along with various partners & experts from various fields for over the past 2 years. This is a significant achievement for Parkour in the UK, which has been aiding the marked increase in new Parkour training facilities being developed, even prior to publication.

Following publication it will have a direct and beneficial impact enabling local authorities, schools, colleges, universities, sports centres, land owners, manufacturers and installers to build Parkour facilities and equipment that are fit-for-purpose, safe and to the recognised standard.

To find out more about what a standard is, what the benefits are and who use’s them visit the British Standards Institution website
