
Sport England gives £24 million boost to Sportivate

Hundreds of thousands more young people are to benefit from the sporting legacy after Sport England announced an extra £24 million to expand and extend its successful Sportivate programme.

The National Lottery funding means Sportivate can continue helping 14- to 25-year-olds to get involved in sports from judo and tennis to wakeboarding and parkour until 2017.

Sportivate gives participants aged between 14 and 25 the chance to receive six to eight weeks of coaching in a sport of their choice. The programme is delivered through the network of 49 CSPs working with a range of local partners.

The programme is aimed at those who are not currently choosing to participate in sport in their own time, or are doing so for a very limited amount of time, and will support them to continue playing sport in their community after the six weeks is up. During the six weeks a participant may work towards an event or personal challenge.

Sportivate will be fully inclusive and target participants across this group, including young people who have a disability, both males and females and participants from BME groups.

Parkour is one of the most popular sports on the Sportivate programme, demonstrating the significant interest and impact Parkour has with young people. If you would like more information or support establishing a Parkour Sportivate session please contact us or you local County Sports Partnership.

Spring Gathering Hits the Peak District

This year sees the first annual Spring Thing – a national 2-day training and camping event in the glorious Peak District on May 25/26, organised and run by  affiliate organisation Parkour Generations.

Parkour Generations presents two days of training amongst the incredible terrain of the Peak District National Park. Discover new textures, surfaces, angles and movements  – all under the expert supervision of experienced coaches.

Details you need to know:

When:  Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th May 2013

Where: Stanage Edge, Peak District National Park, Derbyshire

What: 2 days of training, workshops and fun

Cost:  2 days including tent pitch for Friday and Saturday nights – £65 1 day (no camping) –  £35

How to book: Go to the Event Page, and further details regarding the camp will be emailed to all participants closer to the event date.

The event will expose everyone to all the core elements of what is involved in Parkour training in nature and is both a great place for beginners to start as well as an excellent training experience for experienced practitioners.

The natural terrain of the Peak District National Park offers new challenges even to experienced practitioners; the lack of uniform edges and angles can often require a different, more measured, carefully focused approach. Distances can feel different and the varied surfaces and textures often require a greater understanding of the body in relation to its environment. A Spring Thing gives you the opportunity to explore and experiment with the natural surroundings under the supervision of an experienced coach who will guide your discovery and develop your potential, both physically and psychologically.

This event joins the existing annual Winter and Summer national events, Winterval and Rendezvous, also run by Parkour Generations.