Parkour UK CEO, Eugene Minogue, has announced that he will step down as CEO, following this years AGM after 10 years in the role.
Eugene Minogue, Chief Executive said;
“Having originally resigned as CEO in March 2018, the Board unanimously asked me to continue in the role. However, I would like to spend more time with my family and due to my other long-standing existing professional commitments, it now feels like the right time for me to step down and for somebody new to take the organisation forward through the next period of its growth and development to continue establishing Parkour/Freerunning as a ‘social-norm’.
It has been a true honour and privilege to serve as the founding CEO of the first ever recognised NGB for Parkour/Freerunning globally in Parkour UK, and to witness the rapid growth of our sport and community over the past decade. During those 10 years, we have achieved so much, including: establishment of the world’s first (and still only) regulated coaching qualifications; establishing Parkour/Freerunning within UK schools; awarded the London 2012 Inspire Mark; leading the development of both a British and a European Standard for Parkour Equipment; being shortlisted twice for NGB of the Year at the Womens Sport Trust awards; achieving official recognition for our sport and Parkour UK as an NGB; establishing a participation base of c.100,000 participants; becoming founder members of Parkour Earth; and most recently appointing Tracey Crouch MP to the Board of Parkour UK . . . that’s highlighting just few of our many, many achievements. These achievements have all been achieved without any public funding, that the vast majority of other recognised sports and NGB’s regularly receive in abundance.
I have been very fortunate to have had the support of some excellent people, both personally and professionally during my time as CEO. Equally, the commitment and enthusiasm of our members and community have helped to bring Parkour/Freerunning to where it is today – a recognised sport that is truly disrupting the sporting landscape, both nationally and internationally. Our members and community have pioneered some truly ground-breaking programmes from Parkour in schools; Parkour for Mental Health; Parkour for Older People and the designing & building of various Parkour Parks and Academies across the UK – just to mention a few! It has been a real collective effort by us all and I continue to look forward to watching our sport, community and our governing body, continue to grow and thrive in the years ahead.”
Stephen Mitchell, Independent Chair said;
“On behalf of myself and the Board of Parkour UK, I would like to reiterate my enormous debt of gratitude and thanks to Eugene for his unstinting commitment to the establishment of Parkour UK and support of the community over the last decade.
Eugene has been a driving force across the Parkour community in the UK and beyond, and without his unquestionable passion, dedication and enthusiasm the sport would not be the force it is today. Often in the face of adversity and challenge, from Board and the community, and inconsistent policy application from across the sporting system, he has positioned the sport in an unprecedented manner and will be sorely missed by many. His insight and experience have helped many members of the community establish and build sustainable, innovative and pioneering initiatives and/or businesses which use Parkour as a ‘social norm’ and force for good.
Personally, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Eugene and only wish that Parkour UK was in a stronger position to be able to work with him in a more permanent and sustainable capacity. With the launch of our forthcoming new strategy imminent and an ongoing contribution to sports participation and social action in the UK maintained consistently, yet still unrecognised and undervalued, we hope to be able to advertise and promote a more permanent solution in the Autumn. In the interim period, the Board and national leads for Medical and Duty of Care will continue to act in the best interests of the community.
The recruitment process to find a new CEO will commence later this Autmun.