Contact Us

Please Note:

Following the recognition of Parkour/Freerunning a sport & Parkour UK as the recognised National Governing Body (NGB), there is a high demand for our services.

Before you contact us, and to avoid an unnecessary delay in getting an answer to your question, please make sure you have checked the ‘IAG’ tab on the menu for information, advice and guidance.


General Enquiries: 

By Post: 

176 Pontefract Road Cudworth
S72 8BE


Compliments & Complaints:

We aim to give the best possible service to all our customers in all of the services we provide. However, if you are dissatisfied with our service, you can complain. You can also let us know if you think there is something we have done well.

If you think there is something we have done well, please tell us. Our process for dealing with compliments is less formal. If you think there is something we have done well, we would be happy to hear from you –

If you think we should have done something differently in how we have handled your concerns, or how we have treated you, please tell us – All complaints are handled in accordance with our Complaints Procedure which can be found here.