Parkour UK are delighted to open recruitment for a new role within our Board.
We are looking for a new independent director to
enhance the leadership, governance and
understanding of the sports landscape in the UK.
In addition applicants with skills and experience in at
least one of the following areas:
• Finance
• Legal
• Risk
• Income Generation
If you are interested please download the recruitment pack here.
Job Description:
Reporting to: Chair – Parkour UK
Duration: An initial four year term, with the possibility of a second four year term
Remuneration: Voluntary position (reasonable travel and accommodation expenses paid)
Location: Parkour UK do not have any offices. Board meetings have been held virtually during the pandemic, a return to physical meetings will be considered by the new board and will likely centre on London.
Frequency: The full board meet 4 times per year and sub-committees / working groups meet 2-4 times per year.
Role purpose: To support the chair to provide inclusive and inspirational leadership and guidance, stepping in when the chair is not available and supporting the executive team with sub-committee agendas.