As the year draws to a close, we’re here to deliver the final update article of the year. 2022 has been a huge year for Parkour UK, with many exciting pivotal points in the organisation’s history. Here’s Parkour UK’s Monthly Update for November 2022.
December’s update should be out in the first week of January 2023.
UK Coaching Awards
Next week, the UK Coaching Awards take place in Leeds.
Last month, we announced that 3 coaches from the parkour community had been shortlisted as finalists for the awards.
This is the first time in the awards’ 25-year history that parkour coaches have become finalists and is a huge achievement for both the coaches involved and the sport as a whole.
Once again, Parkour UK want to congratulate our 3 finalists for their achievements, and we look forward to seeing you in Leeds on 6th December!
Callum Windsor – Young Coach of the Year
Sam Coppack – Coaching Podcast of the Year
Adam Romaine – Change A Life Award

Parkour UK Jobs – UPDATE
Following the success of expanding the workforce earlier this year, throughout October/November, we hosted our second wave of recruitment.
We were hiring for two new part-time roles.
- Finance Support
- Workforce Support
Also, we have been looking for subcommittee members in the areas of.
- Finance, Audit & Probity
- Diversity & Inclusion
Applications have now closed for these roles and recruitment has concluded. Expect an update from us regarding these soon.
Mental Health First Aid – Peterborough
Parkour UK is running its second Mental Health First Aid England course, delivered by Parkour UK’s Head of Development, Chris Grant at the start of December. The course will take place over two days, ( The 1st and 2nd of December) in Peterborough.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a training course that teaches people how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue.
MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially stop a crisis from happening.
You’ll learn to recognise warning signs of mental ill health and develop the skills and confidence to approach and support someone while keeping yourself safe.
The MHFA course costs £85, a heavily discounted rate, and is perfect for individuals, coaches, or members of organisations who are looking to learn something that may benefit their everyday life or workplace.
We will be looking at running more Mental Health First Aid courses in 2023. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you or your coaching organisation are interested.

2023 Course Dates – UPDATE
So far, no 2023 dates have been officially announced for any upcoming Level 1 or Level 2 Parkour UK courses. As stated in our last monthly update, we have mapped the dates for Level 2 courses through 2023.
The Good News!
Course dates will be announced by the end of the year, with information regarding the new Level 2 format coming early next year. The Level 2 course is expected to start in March.
We will send out an email once these dates are confirmed and announced.

All Hands Meeting
Following our attendance at the UK Coaching Awards in Leeds on December 6th, the team is spending the following two days together. This is for our quarterly all-hands meeting. We previously held our all-hands meeting in Brighton.
The last all-hands meeting meant we were able to report our progress in a way that we hadn’t before, with Lynn, Callun, Simon, and Kieran all presenting to the board in their area of expertise, following answering the questions the board had asked them.
There is no board meeting this time round, but with it being the last all-hands team meeting of the year, it gives us the chance for the team to update everyone on their progress, and the steps we are going to take in 2023.
Teachers CPD Qualifications
As 2022 closes, we have had a surge in demand for Teachers’ CPD courses. Our CPDs allow for parkour to become part of the PE syllabus in schools and help equip teachers with the skills they need to deliver safe and efficient parkour coaching.
If you are interested in a Teacher CPD course in your school or area, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Simon. ( )

That’s it for our monthly updates for the year.
Remember, our Parkour UK members get these updates early VIA email. You can sign up for a membership here.
Our next update will be available in the New Year.
Have a great Christmas and New Year!
The Parkour UK Team