Home Events - Parkour UK Parkour UK 1st4sport Introductory CPD – Teaching Parkour/Freerunning (QTS)

Parkour UK 1st4sport Introductory CPD – Teaching Parkour/Freerunning (QTS)

Date: Thursday 14th February 2019, 09:00 – 17:00

This is a one day CPD course for qualified teachers (QTS) in the UK. It is not a coaching qualification.

This CPD is designed to introduce teachers to the fundamental concepts and training principles of Parkour/Freerunning for use as part of a physical education / school sport in an education setting. It serves as an introduction, and enables teachers to initiate basic Parkour/Freerunning training within the school environment.

If a school wishes to embark on a more developed Parkour training programme for its students, we strongly recommend engaging a Parkour UK 1st4port Level 2 Coaching Parkour/Freerunning qualified coach (please refer to our guidance on Introducing Parkour/Freerunning to Schools). This CPD award is limited to indoor activities only.

This CPD can be built upon through attendance on the Parkour UK Intermediate CPD – Teaching Parkour/Freerunning course, so that the Teacher may then, if willing, go on to take the full Parkour UK 1st4sport Level 2 Coaching Parkour/Freerunning (QCF) qualification.

The CPD is built around the principles of Discovery, Challenge and Play. Spotting, use of equipment and health & safety are concepts taught throughout the course.

  • Introductory ‘Wake-Up’ Route
  • Parkour as a Concept:
    Definitions and misconceptions. History/notions of journey / challenge / methodology of training / indoor training. Parkour as discovery, challenge and play for young people.
  • Warm-up and Cool-down:
    Introduction and practise of the core elements of a warm-up for parkour training, including parkour specific activities such a quadrupedal movement techniques, CNS activation, aerobic, muscular and joint preparations for physical activity. The importance of physical conditioning.
  • Attributes over Technique:
    Quality of movement, natural, quiet, soft, control, balance, agility,
    co-ordination, spatial awareness, fluidity, instinctive movement.
  • Basics of Displacement 1 :
    Introduction to passement (Step/speed/reverse/pop vaults), jumping and balance: how to spot for these activities and manage the practise of them in a group. Teaching points, progressions, adaptations, extensions, support.
  • Health & Safety for Indoor Training:
    Spotting, use of equipment, managing enthusiasm, importance of managed risk.
  • Basics of Displacement 2:
    Landings and Rolls, arm jumps, passement 2 (saut de chat, tic-tac, slide monkey, passe muraille): how to spot for them and manage the practise of them in a group.
  • Teaching Safety, Supporting and Leadership in Parkour:
    Pupils supporting, pupil risk assessment and personal responsibility, leadership tasks, group challenges and individual challenges. PK Peers.
  • The 3 Pillars of Parkour:
    Maintaining the ethics and philosophy of the art within training.
  • Combinations and the use of games:
    How to utilise the day’s learned movements in combination to create routes of movement which encourage practise of a variety of movement types and techniques. Focus of the concept of fluidity and unbroken movement.


14 Feb 2019


09:00 - 17:00