Another few months have passed, and we’re here to give you an update on what has happened at Parkour UK.
Our Recruitment Process
In early September, we held our “Recruitment Day,” where we invited applicants from our recent round of job offerings to Loughborough to join us for the day.
Parkour UK is incredibly excited to be growing and expanding the Parkour UK team. We are excited to have the new starters join us and help us with our goal of serving, elevating, and adding value to the parkour community.
We would like to welcome our new team!
Sam Bradley joins Parkour UK as our new CEO and Nadine Barnard as our new Head of Development.
Max Ward joins us as Connecting Communities Lead, and Charlie Havill joins us as Connecting Communities Support.
Tom Redfern joins us as our Competition Framework Project Lead. Tom has been a prominent figure in the UK competition space for a number of years, and we are excited for him to bring his expertise to this role.
Over the next few months, the new staff will be connecting with the parkour community on a number of different levels.

Women’s Engagement Project
In September, we also released our latest piece in the Women’s Engagement Project.
Meet Amy Harcourt, a 22-year-old parkour athlete from Manchester.
We sat down with Amy to delve into her inspiring journey through gender-affirming hormone treatment, the challenges she faces, and her commitment to trans inclusion in parkour.
Amy took part in a recent research study that looked at how hormone treatment affects sporting performance and paves the way for a more inclusive and equitable
sports environment.
We filmed the project in Brighton with help from Sacha Powell and Silvia, and we would also like to say a huge thanks to Blair Hamilton and the University of Brighton
Click below to watch the full video!
Women In Sport #TimeTogether
We organised a free parkour workshop to celebrate Women In Sport’s #TimeTogether campaign.
This campaign aims to keep girls in sports throughout their teenage years!
We invited all mums, aunties, guardians, friends, older sisters, and teenage girls to join us for a free parkour workshop at Parkour Generations London on October 7th at 2 p.m.
Check out the highlight video from Women in Sport below!
Gatecrasher – An All Women’s Parkour Film
In September, Lynn flew out to Bratislava to support “Gatecrasher” – An all women’s parkour film.
Lynn spent some time documenting the action behind the scenes.
Supporting the “Gatecrasher” project aligns with our “Women’s Engagement” project, helping promote and support the women seen within our sport.

Parkour UK Level 2 Database
All of our coaching courses for 2023 are now complete. We’ve been assessing post-course feedback all throughout the year.
One topic that has been continuously mentioned is the challenges that come with finding a Level 2 Parkour UK coach to sign off your supervised coaching hours.
We are currently working on building a database of all the Level 2 Parkour UK-qualified coaches in the UK.
If you’re a Parkour UK Level 2 qualified coach, and have not yet been contacted by us, please reach out to Callun at
Parkour UK Podcast – Developing An App for Parkour
Our latest podcast episode involves a discussion with Generic Parkour and the “Spotmapp” developers.
The Spotmapp app has been adopted by many competition organisers over the last 10 months, so we sat down with a discussion with with the team to find out a little more about their plans for the app, and what they aim to achieve with it.
We trialled a remote recording of this podcast episode, and we would love to hear your feedback.
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day was on October 10th, and we collaborated with Contendunt to provide some mental health information and resources on our social media platforms.
Parkour UK – 2024 Courses
We are currently in the process of scheduling our Level 1 and Level 2 Parkour UK coaching qualification courses for 2024.
We will aim to release all courses for 2024 by the end of the year.