In accordance with our Memorandum & Articles of Association, 38.1 – an AGM is to be called by at least 21 clear days’ written notice;
Parkour UK’s 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 8th December 2018, 12pm in London, England.
This years AGM will be held at Moberly Sports Centre, 25 Chamberlayne Road, London NW10 3NB the following documents will be made available in preparation for the meeting:
- AGM Agenda – 8th December 2018 (Draft)
- 2017 AGM Minutes (Draft)
- The Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2018 (Draft)
- Voting Form [Affiliate Member]
- Proxy Voting Form [Affiliate Member]
In accordance with our Memorandum & Articles of Association;
- 28.2 Any Voting Member may nominate individuals to be Elected Directors. Any nomination must be made on the form prescribed from time to time by the Board and signed by the nominee. Any nomination must be seconded by another Voting Member. Voting Members may only nominate or second one candidate for each post and the form must be completed and returned to the Chief Executive not later than 10 days (28th November 2018) before the date of the AGM at which the election is to be held.
- 28.2 In respect of the following appointments, the following provisions shall also apply:
- 28.2.1 in relation to the appointment of the Independent Directors, nominations may be made by the Board;
- 28.2.2 in relation to the appointment of the Chief Executive, nominations may be made in accordance with Article 27.8.
- 28.2.3 in relation to the appointment of a Treasurer, nominations may be made by the Board;
- 28.2.4 in relation to the appointment of the President, nominations may be made by the Voting Members.
- 34.1 Any Voting Member shall be entitled to have included on the agenda of the AGM and any General Meeting any matter, motion or proposal. Such matter, motion or proposal shall be accompanied by an explanatory statement in summary form, which must be distributed with the notice of said meeting.
- 34.2 In addition to submitting membership application to the Board, proposals may also be submitted by Voting Members for consideration at the AGM and must be received by the Company not less than 60 days prior to the relevant meeting at which they are to be discussed.
- 34.3 All proposals submitted by Voting Members for consideration at any General Meeting must be received by the Company not less than 15 (23rd November 2018) days prior to the relevant meeting at which they are to be discussed.
- 34.4 Each Voting Members shall be entitled to appoint 2 (two) delegates to attend at the AGM and any General Meeting. Each member shall have the votes attributed to them in Schedule 1 to these Articles (that is votes per member and not votes per delegate). In addition, each Voting Member shall be entitled to appoint one further person to attend the AGM and any General Meeting as an observer who shall have no entitlement to vote or speak (except that an observer shall be allowed to speak with the permission of the Chairperson).
- 34.5 At meetings of the Company, an individual may only represent (either as delegate or observer) one member, and may not vote or speak on behalf of another member (except as duly appointed proxy of another member), and shall if required produce to the Board evidence sufficient to satisfy the Board that he/she is a properly appointed delegate of the member that he/she claims to represent.
- All current Parkour UK Members are invited to attend. All members must RSVP by 6pm on Friday 7th December 2018 if they wish to attend in person, this will help us in our planning and administration of the Annual General Meeting. Members are able to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in their place. A proxy need not be a member of Parkour UK
- Entitlement to vote is based on the company’s current Memorandum & Articles of Association. ALL proxy votes must be received (either by post or email) by 6pm on 7th December 2018
- If you have any queries relating to the AGM please contact our Chief Executive – Eugene Minogue on or 020 3544 5834
- Independent invigilation of the AGM will be provided.